An update from the municipality of Middelfart
We are mixing best practices with ideas from many great projects like the Empower20 project or the Co2mmunity project. Basically, it is all about making real life clean energy projects with citizens. The idea is: Leave the desks and talk to people about climate and energy, foster networking between citizens and support them.
Unfortunately, Corona has interfered with our plans, but we were flexible and organised a meeting online. The citizens from the town Strib asked for support to replace their gas boilers as gas boilers are expensive and not clean. We offered them our support to make an online meeting about it. They invited two Danish citizen examples to tell their story: the village of Foens explained how they made their own district heating system and the village of Brenderup showed us how they are making their own solar P.V. park.
Such meetings are really motivating for engagement in the green transition. It is important to meet citizens and get an impression on how to implement projects practically.
You can get an idea by looking at this video: it begins with the solar PV park at 51:20, the district heating follows.
— Morten M. Westergaard, Head of Climate & Energy, Municipality of Middelfart. Denmark —