Downloads Compilation of Findings Get Inspired on Community Energy - Stories from the Baltic Sea Region30.09.2021 Summary of overcoming barriers to CE projects30.09.2021 Joint Declaration of Intent Community Energy Forum for Policy ProgressTallinn, March 11/12, 2020 Scientific Outputs Scientific Review of CE in Europe (PDF)Review of research papers on CE, Working Paper 2.1 Roadmap (PDF)Roadmap on how to increase community energy using the RENCOP model Roadmap Poster (PDF, A3)Roadmap on how to increase community energy using the RENCOP model Status, drivers, and barriers of CE (PDF)Working Paper 2.3 CE Partner Agreement (PDF)Working Paper 3.3 Guideline (PDF)Guidelines for participatory mobilization process to set up RENCOP RENCOP Knowledge Stakeholder Mapping (PDF)An analysis of the stakeholders in the different Co2mmunity RENCOPs Stakeholder Mapping Tool (Excel)A tool for stakeholder mapping in RENCOPs Feasibility of constituting of regional RENCOPs (PDF)Establishing, managing, analysing and evaluation of feasibility of constituting regional RENCOPs Poster from Lithuania (PDF, A3)Partnerystė, RENCOP Modelis, Bendruomenių energetikos projektai Guideline for RENCOP Management (PDF)A guideline on establishing and managing a RENCOP Success Factors (PDF)Identified success factors in the process of stakeholder involvement into RENCOPs Research from Latvia (PDF)Assessment of Technical, Economic and Legal Frameworks for the Implementation of Renewable Energy Community Projects RENCOP Booklet (30.09.2020)An overview over all RENCOPs by the end of the Co2mmunity project. 8 country-specific handbooks DenmarkHåndbog for udvikling af fælles energiprojekter FinlandYhteisöenergian käsikirja Kuinka edistän paikallista uusiutuvaa yhteisöenergiaa? Finland (Swedish)Hur främjar jag lokala, förnybara medborgarenergigemenskaper? LatviaRokasgrāmata kopienu atjaunīgo energoresursu projektu ieviešanai Latvia (English Summary)Handbook for Community Renewable Energy Project Development PolandPodręcznik rozwoju energetyki obywatelskiej opartej o odnawialne źródła energii EstoniaKäsiraamat Taastuvenergiakogukonnad GermanyHandbuch für die Entwicklung von Bürgerenergieprojekten LithuaniaAtsinaujinančių išteklių energijos bendruomenių projektų kūrimo Vadovas SwedenHandbok - Community Energy - Hur man utvecklar förnybar energi tillsammans Policy Paper EnglishPolicy recommendations to seize the potential of community energy in the Baltic Sea region FinnishPolitiikkasuosituksia yhteisöenergian mahdollisuuksien hyödyntämiseen Itämeren alueella LithuanianPolitikos rekomendacijos, kaip išnaudoti bendruomenės energijos potencialą Baltijos jūros regione PolishRekomendacje dla wykorzystania potencjału energetyki obywatelskiej w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego SwedishPolicyrekommendationer för mer Community Energy i Östersjöområdet White Paper White PaperPolicy recommendations to support/initiate CE projects in the BSR Presentations from the Final Online Conference Lithuanian Energy InstituteHow you can find Community Energy Projects in our Database Joint PresentationThe Way Forward - Roadmap, Tools and Guidance Middelfart MunicipalityReal-Life Examples of Renewable Energy Cooperative Partnerships Thermopolis ltd.CE handbooks communicated for citizens and municipalities in national languages Tyrsky ConsultingSeizing the Potential of Community Energy - 10 Tools for Policy Makers Estonian Renewable Energy AssociationRegional and National Recommendations Lund UniversityResearch on CE Projects in the Baltic Sea Region Community Energy Cases Ærø, DenmarkCommunity-owned wind farm on the island of Ærø Marstal/Ærø, DenmarkMarstal Fjernvarme – a solar district heating plant on the island of Ærø Tallin, EstoniaA housing association in Tallinn carries out a renovation for energy efficiency with solar PV Värska, EstoniaKagu commercial association pioneers community solar in the Seto region of Estonia Alpua, FinlandAlpua village pioneered in energy community through the installation of a CHP plant Helsinki, FinlandA housing company in Helsinki tests new community solar with a special IT service Sprakebüll, GermanyA pioneering energy community in North Frisia Wiemersdorf, GermanyA successful community wind project: The Wiemersdorf Wind Farm Smalininkai, LithuaniaUnsuccessfull community wind project in Lithuania by the Smalininkai village association Szczecin, PolandA pioneer in community solar: The Pszczelna Street housing community in Szczecin Kalmar, SwedenTörneby Solpark & Nöbble Solpark – solar PV from a local source in Kalmar Information Material Infographic English (PDF)Info graphic that provides an overview of the project in English. Field Trip 2018 PicturesThree picture galleries on a separate webpage Postcards (zip-file)Postcards with different motifs, also for the festive season Infografik Deutsch (PDF)Was ist Co2mmunity? - Wer wir sind und was wir machen. Flyer (PDF)Our Flyer sums up the information and can be handed out at events. Poster (PDF)An A3 version of the poster, to print and disseminate