The next Estonian RENCOP seminar was held in Tartu, Estonia on 4th of December 2019. 20 participants from mainly South-Estonian regions attended representing potential CE initiatives, apartment associations, NGOs, local stakeholders, and local municipalities.
The first part of the seminar was about community energy, the steps carried out so far in this field in Estonia, the Co2mmunity project and the RENCOP approach as well as good examples of CE in Estonia and neighbouring countries (Germany, Denmark, Finland).
The core topic of the first part was about renewable energy communities, the amended renewable energy directive, and the adoption of Estonian law from a national point of view presented by the Energy department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication.
The second interactive part of the seminar was dedicated to the CE country specific handbook (developed under the Co2mmunity project). Responsible experts introduced the nature, content and main topics of the handbook. Following the handbook, main topics under common discussion were:
- main current obstacles, what specifically prevents you from setting up a community energy project?
- what would be solutions?
- what can municipalities do to support community renewable energy projects?
- other hot local practical topics related to energy cooperatives (how to distribute produced energy internally within community, maintenance, CE in rural areas etc).
Results and findings from the discussion will be reflected during upcoming seminars and meetings. Some information will be used in the handbook under development. Activities agreed upon during the discussion will be implemented.
At least one additional expert joined the Estonian expert-driven RENCOP.